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On 1 October top rates will fall from 14.5% to 12.5% over the course of two years, reducing contribution costs for GPs.

Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, said: 'The biggest issue that the NHS faces is the welfare and resilience of its workforce, and a properly administered pension scheme that is simple to use and access will go a long way to supporting that.'

NASGP acted on feedback from locums about the high volume of requests for sessions that NASGP members face at the moment.

But specialist medical accountants warn against waiting.

Speaking to Emma Bower for GP Online, Dr Richard Fieldhouse said flexible pools were in principle ‘a fantastic idea’, but warned that colleagues would not give up the flexibility of locuming to operate in a new model.

GPs working in practices in England should show compliance with the NHS’s new vaccine mandate, NASGP has advised members.

GPs can post their own availability and see availability requests from HIOW practices as part of the offer.

GMC will consider pressure on doctors in mitigation.

GPs made close to quarter of a million urgent referrals the month before Christmas.

January 2022 figures are now on track to beat November’s.

GPs can post their own availability and see availability requests from over 270 practices as part of the offer.

A relaxation of advice around rates needs more clarity, the NASGP warns.

GPs should wear FFP2 masks ‘as default’, the union said.

Dr Fieldhouse: 'We must all work within safe and sustainable levels.'

The NASGP recommends that members remind each practice about BMA recommendations and to insist on appropriate masks.

Most GPs fear impact of workload on patient care this winter, a new RCGP poll shows.

Researchers partnered with the NASGP to recruit GP locums for an NIHR trial at Oxford.

GP locums have the option to book with both Emis and SystmOne practices, will be given direct access to patient records, and will consult using eConsult.

GPs should prioritise the Covid booster campaign Sajid Javid said last week, The Guardian reports – appearing to have dropped his insistence on face-to-face appointments.

New notes won’t be visible to patients until 2022 after the Government delayed changes, Pulse reports.

Four in five GPs have voted against ‘name and shame’ tactics in an indicative ballot, The Guardian reports.

The BMA has launched a review into lessons learnt from the pandemic to understand 'the impact on doctors and the NHS'.

The BMA has taken the first steps towards a judicial review into the cost of age discrimination.

Dr Watson’s article revealed the toll of rising patient contacts since Covid-19.