Our team

NASGP is the UK’s independent membership body for GP locums, and was founded by healthcare professionals working in primary care. It’s because of this that we have a holistic view of your needs, and we understand the challenges you face.

Our core team works closely with our wide community of stakeholders – GP locums, GP practices, and a large number of eminent partners across UK healthcare.

Dr Richard Fieldhouse MBBS MRCGP DFFP DRCOG

GP Locum, Chairman and Founder

Richard has been a GP locum for more than 20 years and worked in over 100 different GP practices. He qualified as a doctor at St George’s Hospital Medical School in 1989 and as a GP in 1995. He is a clinical lead for communications and engagement in a large CCG.

Richard set up NASGP in 1997 and founded the first GP Locum Chambers. He is an active voice in GP politics. He has lobbied for GP locums’ access to the NHS pension scheme and won seats on both the RCGP council and the BMA’s GP committee. His work on behalf of GP locums led to him being named Doctor of the Year 1999.

As our chairman, Richard develops our important partnerships and drives NASGP strategy as well as contributing knowledge to our resources on a regular basis.

Sara Chambers NASGP

Dr Sara Chambers BSc (Hons) MBChB MRCGP (2000)

GP Locum, LocumDeck Lead

Sara has been a GP for 20 years, as a GP locum independently and within one of the first locum chambers.

Sara is passionate about the need for strong systems to improve productivity, safety and morale. She began working for NASGP as its safety and quality lead, producing content and tools to improve the systems of engagement with GP locums. She used her experience of locum work to lead on the design of the LocumDeck platform.


Helen Holmes-Fogg


Helen has previously worked as the director of NHS integrated urgent care and NHS111, founder CEO of the West Lancashire GP Federation, and more recently as director of strategy for the national primary care digital health partner organisation, Redmoor Health.

As a key partner to NHS providers and commissioners, Helen grew the organisations and solidified their places at the NHS table, developing innovative transformation along the way. She introduced new ways of working such as non-clinical triage and signposting, a pilot and stability partner for the originating NHS111 service in the North West, Esther Rantzen’s The Silverline and working with national bodies such as NHS Confederation to establish their GP provider collaborative representation and supporting the Tony Blair Institute in its recent paper to the new Government.

With over 25 years of transformative leadership in the NHS, Helen is a committed advocate for general practice and primary care, particularly the portfolio workforce whom she has spent many years working with during her career.

Kate Prentice

Marketing Director

Kate is a marketing and brand strategist with over 20 years’ experience developing and implementing customer focused strategies to drive business growth. Educated to BA hons level with a professional diploma in marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), she has worked with brands such as Ordnance Survey, Wiggle, Aviva and Kingfisher Plc and led and directed marketing functions for multiple small businesses.

Steve Shaw NASGP

Steve Shaw

Chambers Development Manager

Steve has worked within the NHS and directly with clinicians for over 15 years, including roles within public health, commissioning (primary and secondary care), mental health and secure care, working closely with clinicians to transform and improve patient pathways. In addition, Steve has been involved in managing locum chambers since 2012. He helped spearhead the development of chambers across a number of areas in the north of England. As our chambers development manager, Steve’s role the NASGP is to support existing NASGP Locum Chambers members and develop new NASGP Locum Chambers nationally.

Ben Ratcliffe

Ben Ratcliffe

Lead Developer

Ben has over a decade of experience working within enterprise application development for industries including e-commerce, telecoms and finance. Always mindful of the constant changing technological landscape, he uses his experience and enthusiasm to drive change and deliver exciting products utilising industry standard tools and best practices. As our lead developer, Ben prides himself on logical thinking with a customer-focused approach, whilst working with all parts of the business to ensure the continued delivery of the high standard of service that LocumDeck provides.

Michelle Sims NASGP

Michelle Sims

User Experience Lead

With over 20 years of experience in user experience design and brand strategy, Michelle brings deep expertise in creating a user-centric focus for both B2B and B2C businesses. Most of her experience comes from the hospitality industry, where customer-first is the priority.

Michelle ensures we always put the user at the centre of everything we do. Her passion for data-driven, meaningful user experiences, combined with her empathy, curiosity, and creativity, drives us to continually explore and implement new and satisfying processes for our platform members.

Ellie Broughton NASGP

Ellie Broughton

Communications Director

Ellie is an experienced content manager and copywriter. As our communications director, she produces and manages NASGP content for members and partners, including a news digest that reaches 4,000 GPs a week. Ellie also writes health stories for UK newspapers and websites including the i paper, Refinery29 and Stylist.



Ali Lewis

Membership Support Manager

Ali works in administrative support within local NASGP Locum Chambers and understands the day-to-day challenges faced by GP locums. As our membership support manager, she is the first port of call for helping members get the resources to make the most of their membership.

Jacqui Gumbrell NASGP

Jacqui Gumbrell

Support Manager

Jacqui has an administrative and client account background most recently working within a counselling membership organisation. Working alongside Ali Lewis as our support manager, Jacqui is an initial point of contact for members and practices, offering support with NASGP membership and LocumDeck enquiries.


Jacqueline Clink

Jacqueline Clink

GP Recruitment, Engagement and Retention Officer

Jacqueline brings her experience of organising face to face education evenings for GP locums to sourcing speakers for the NASGP monthly lunchtime webinars. She keeps abreast of recent media coverage on particular medical matters which may cause an influx of patients when choosing a topic and finding a suitable speaker. Jacqueline is also the liaison officer and admin support between NASGP and GP VTS around the country offering talks from Dr Richard Fieldhouse to third year trainees.



Becky Nelson NASGP

Becky Nelson

Nurse Support Manager

Becky has over 20 years’ experience of working in GP practices in administrative and managerial positions. As a result, she is well aware of the demands of running a busy practice, familiar with nurses’ requirements and has engaged with many a locum herself. As our nurse support manager, Becky’s role is to guide prospective locum nurses or healthcare assistants through the process of making themselves available for locum work.