NASGP’s resources for GP registrars
We’ve produced this page for VTS course organisers, GP trainers and GP registrars to help explore and raise issues around the preparedness of GPs-in-training for working as licensed, unsupervised newly-qualified GPs.
NASGP videos, talks, workshops and seminars for GP registrars
Get in touch if you’d like us to provide a live Q&A, either via video link or in-person.
Read feedback on Dr Richard Fieldhouse’s GP VTS webinar (pdf)
You can also get in touch if you’d like to book a webinar or talk with the NASGP, or one of our partners Legal & Medical, Medical Protection or Honey Barrett.
NASGP's five content domains
We cover five main areas of content for GP locums in any stage of their career, whether newly qualified or nearer to retirement. All aimed and ensuring our NHS GP locum workforce can support practices wherever and whenever possible.
- 1 – The nuts and bolts of working as a GP locum
- 2 – The mindset of the GP locum
- 3 – On the job
- 4 – Thriving as a locum; the Virtual GP Practice
- 5 – When things go wrong
- Enforced underperformance, and how to avoid it – with MPS
- Financial health workshop - with Legal & Medical
This piece of content doesn’t actually lend itself too well to a webinar format, but it does make for essential reading!
So we’ve made that simple and easy for ST3s – simply download our handbook where this is all explained in full.
‘We’re paratroopers, we’re supposed to be surrounded’
A brief run-through on GP training by NASGP chairman Dr Richard Fieldhouse, a GP locum for 25 years who’s worked in around 100 different practices.
This talk is about preparing your mindset as a GP locum, covering the importance of our unique role as fully qualified GPs with a licence to practice unsupervised in multiple and varying practices. It covers locuming as a career choice; the importance of giving support to practices where they need it, and also about how working as part of a team can help you thrive as a GP.
The second part of the talk looks at the importance of continuity of care in the context of other aspects of care, and where the locum’s role lies in all of this. This is all followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.
NASGP chairman Dr Richard Fieldhouse deconstructs all the elements that go into a 10-minute consultation with a locum, and how each element can have a significant impact on patient care.
Beginning with how to mentally prepare oneself before even taking a booking, from how to prepare prior to going to the practice, what to do once there, then what to do before, during and after seeing one patient, all the way up to arriving back home.
Finishing or finished GP training? Find out how to team up with other locum GPs in your area and organise yourself into a ‘virtual practice’ post-VTS.
GP locums and cognitive bias, heuristics and errors
A set of three articles and a video exploring cognitive errors and biases, how we approach mistakes and often fail to learn from them.
In this video, we pull together lessons from Black Box Thinking and Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow and show how exposed a locum can be errors and mistakes during a single morning surgery.
Webinar or talk with our partners Medical Protection on the top ten risk areas for GP locums, and what you can do to manage this risk.
Webinar or talk with our partners Legal & Medical on any financial topic.
Example of one-hour webinar or talk
- NHS pensions – is it still good value and how contributions are worked out when you are a locum, salaried GP and partner.
- What you actually get for your pension contributions.
- Why income protection is so vital as a locum especially, and how Critical Illness and life cover works alongside.
- Pitfalls of death in service as a locum.
- Investments (LISAs, ISAs etc)
- Mortgages.
1 – The nuts and bolts of working as a GP locum
This piece of content doesn’t actually lend itself too well to a webinar format, but it does make for essential reading!
So we’ve made that simple and easy for ST3s – simply download our handbook where this is all explained in full.
2 – The mindset of the GP locum
‘We’re paratroopers, we’re supposed to be surrounded’
A brief run-through on GP training by NASGP chairman Dr Richard Fieldhouse, a GP locum for 25 years who’s worked in around 100 different practices.
This talk is about preparing your mindset as a GP locum, covering the importance of our unique role as fully qualified GPs with a licence to practice unsupervised in multiple and varying practices. It covers locuming as a career choice; the importance of giving support to practices where they need it, and also about how working as part of a team can help you thrive as a GP.
The second part of the talk looks at the importance of continuity of care in the context of other aspects of care, and where the locum’s role lies in all of this. This is all followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.
3 – On the job
NASGP chairman Dr Richard Fieldhouse deconstructs all the elements that go into a 10-minute consultation with a locum, and how each element can have a significant impact on patient care.
Beginning with how to mentally prepare oneself before even taking a booking, from how to prepare prior to going to the practice, what to do once there, then what to do before, during and after seeing one patient, all the way up to arriving back home.
4 – Thriving as a locum; the Virtual GP Practice
Finishing or finished GP training? Find out how to team up with other locum GPs in your area and organise yourself into a ‘virtual practice’ post-VTS.
5 – When things go wrong
GP locums and cognitive bias, heuristics and errors
A set of three articles and a video exploring cognitive errors and biases, how we approach mistakes and often fail to learn from them.
In this video, we pull together lessons from Black Box Thinking and Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow and show how exposed a locum can be errors and mistakes during a single morning surgery.
Enforced underperformance, and how to avoid it – with MPS
Webinar or talk with our partners Medical Protection on the top ten risk areas for GP locums, and what you can do to manage this risk.
Financial health workshop - with Legal & Medical
Webinar or talk with our partners Legal & Medical on any financial topic.
Example of one-hour webinar or talk
- NHS pensions – is it still good value and how contributions are worked out when you are a locum, salaried GP and partner.
- What you actually get for your pension contributions.
- Why income protection is so vital as a locum especially, and how Critical Illness and life cover works alongside.
- Pitfalls of death in service as a locum.
- Investments (LISAs, ISAs etc)
- Mortgages.
Still in training? Join us for free.
NASGP Membership Plus (usually £24/month) is also free (no payment details needed) for GP VTS course organisers (contact us direct).
NASGP partners
We have very close working relationships with accountants, financial advisors, MPS Risk Management and RCGP with whom we can help support GPs in training.
Latest news for GP registrars

Registrars struggling to find a role reported applied for an average 13 roles each.

Numbers of UK medical graduates joining the GP register fell 4% in 2022 compared with 2018.

Registrars can now add availability to get ahead.