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GPs must declare earnings over £156,000 within the next six weeks, Pulse reports.
GPs can attend a clinical update on endometriosis next month as part of NASGP’s free ‘first Thursdays’ events series.
Changes to make GP retirement more flexible, ministers claimThe Government claims changes to NHS pension such as removing the 16-hour-a-week rule will allow more retirement flexibility, Pulse reports.
GPs should ‘assume excess AA growth’, specialist IFA advisesUse the Ready Reckoner to estimate NHS pension cost and growth, McGaun added.
New data reveals the scale of the exodus, Pulse reports.
EOY certificates must be in by Tues 28 Feb.
GPs can open LocumDeck diary after practice requestsDevelopers on LocumDeck have created a new ‘enhanced’ AVR response.
A GP vacancy in Cornwall has been advertised in a music video.
Worried patients could be advised to see their GP following new guidance.
GPs can get extra support with Type 2 paperwork thanks to a new guide.
Practice advice from MPS experts Dr Katy Miller and Dr Heidi Mounsey.
Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, said: 'Yet another tragic closure of a practice directly related to poor recruitment. Recruitment plans invariably focus on providing continuity, but without GP access – as this example proves – there is no continuity.'
SystmOne practices switch on records accessSystmOne GP practices have switched on patient records access, Pulse reports.
GPs urged to respond on pensions taxationGPs should protect their pensions by responding to a new government consultation on taxation, the BMA’s National Clinician Adviser on Pay & Pensions and deputy chair for pensions advised.
GPs’ burnout service registers over 180 in final week of 2022Insomnia, depression and anxiety holding GPs back, NHS Practitioner Health warns.
Patients should bypass GPs and self-refer, Starmer saysGPs took to social media to excoriate Labour leader’s proposals.
The last guidance on the subject was published in 2014.
GP visa rules lambasted as 48% of trainees face applicationsToo many GP trainees face visa Tier 2 bureaucracy, the acting chair of the GPs’ Committee at the BMA has told the Financial Times.
IBD GP update event scheduled for FebruaryGPs can attend ‘IBD: what do GPs need to know?’ for free, presented by Dr Kevin Barrett next month on behalf of Crohns & Colitis UK.
GP low-carb intervention shows 77% diabetes remissionGPs in Southport who ran a 2013-2021 study just published their results in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health.
Health Poverty Action receives end-of-year NASGP donationOn behalf of its members, this year NASGP is proud to support the work of Health Poverty Action.
LocumDeck adds policy docs and practice info featuresGP practices can now upload policy documents and add key practice information on LocumDeck, thanks to new user-generated features.
Action in England to go ahead on 21 Dec.
GPs can now upload their terms and conditions directly to LocumDeck thanks to a new user-requested feature.