FAQ: How do I get an NHSmail email address?

All GPs are eligible for an NHS email (NHSmail) account, regardless of whether you’re a partner, locum or salaried, and is an essential requirement for your practise as a GP in the NHS.

All NHSmail addresses have a container assigned to them – usually the name of a practice or ICB – with the container showing within brackets e.g. mick.jagger@nhs.net (Rolling Stones Health Centre).

GP locums in England can register online for an NHSmail address with a locum container e.g. paul.mccartney@nhs.net (Locum). NB you can only have one NHSmail address, so if you already have one with a practice or ICB container, you can apply to have it swapped to a locum container.

If you’re not in England, either ask the IT person in a practice that you get on well with to ‘sponsor’ you, but failing that your local Primary Care Organisation, or its equivalent, is under obligation to issue you with one.

If you already have an NHS email address from your role as a salaried GP or partner, probably ‘branded’ with your practice’s name, you are entitled to keep it. Speak to your local IT helpdesk (ICB or equivalent) and they will simply change your ‘brand’ to the ICB’s or equivalent.

Don’t take no for an answer, and explain that you need it to access certain courses such as online safeguarding training, for NHS appraisal (in many cases) as an appraisee, and as a GP to pass information securely about patients.

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