FAQ: How do GP locums access Microsoft documents?

In England, in order to be able to read or create a Word document, for example, a patient referral letter, whilst using an NHS computer, you will need your own N365 software licence for Microsoft Word.

This is because, like many software providers, Microsoft insists on the software being licensed to a person, not a computer.

Add-on licence apps for enterprise

Since patient-identifiable information such as a referral letter can only be opened on an NHS computer, these N365 software licences (called Add-on licence Apps for Enterprise) are now linked to each GPs NHSmail address.

Or at least they should be, but not all CCG or ICS IT providers have connected the correct licence to many locums’ NHSmail accounts.

In some cases where locums find that they do have an Add-on licence Apps for Enterprise, they find that it will not work in a practice that’s out of area.

If the format of your NHSmail is first.last@nhs.net (Practice or CCG) and you can’t log in to Word documents, you need to contact your local NHS IT support team and ask them to supply you with an ‘Add-on licence Apps for Enterprise’.

But if that doesn’t work (and we hear reports from locums that it often doesn’t) then you may be better off changing your email over to what’s called the X33 locum container, which means your email will become first.last@nhs.net (GP LOCUM – X33).

Simply email locumadmin@nhs.net and ask for the Add-on licence Apps for Enterprise, and quote your GMC number.

Once you have this, you’ll also be able to download Microsoft Office suite of apps including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on up to five local devices of your choosing.

"LocumDeck is self-explanatory and having never made/sent an invoice before it's made my life a lot easier, and made me feel reassured I hadn’t forgotten anything important.

I’ve recommended it to my colleague/friend who is also starting out as a GP locum."

Dr Christine Vickery, GP

Dr Christine Vickery, GP

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