Automated online GP locum invoicing and pension forms
Inbuilt booking and confirmation process
13th May 2016 by Rachel Birch
Automated online GP locum invoicing and pension forms
Inbuilt booking and confirmation process
Dr Emma Davies, medicolegal consultant at Medical Protection, breaks down the new death certification reforms and what they mean for GP locums
Patient follow-up request form for GP locums – downloadTry using this form to flag up to reception when a patient really needs review.
QIA – Practice prescribing system proformaThis template helps practices explain the steps in their prescribing systems so that visiting GPs can make informed, safe prescribing decisions.
"LocumDeck is easy to use for both clinicians and practice managers. It’s well-designed, well-implemented and well-supported. It’s our go-to product for managing GP locum requests, bookings and invoices."
Nick Regaard, Practice Manager, The Abingdon Surgery, Abingdon, Oxfordshire