
Tax tips and tricks for GP locums and salaried GPs

7th March 2024 by NASGP

Tax tips and tricks for GP locums and salaried GPs

Join Richard Fieldhouse and Tori Ferguson as they delve into the world of tax advice for GP locums in this episode of the Art of GP Locuming podcast.

Tori, a tax advisor for Honey Barrett, shares her expert insights on a range of topics including tax returns, pension statements, and the value of using a tax advisor.

She also provides practical tips on how to handle your tax affairs effectively and efficiently. Don’t miss out on this informative episode, perfect for any GP locum looking to better understand their tax obligations.

📧 nhsbsa.pensionsmember@nhsbsa.nhs.uk is the email address to request a ‘service extract’.

📞 Call NHS Pensions on 0300 330 1346 to request it over the phone, or ask over the phone for any recent updates, when they were made and what the updated figures were.

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Tori Ferguson is a tax manager at Honey Barrett Limited.

The information contained in this podcast is for guidance only, and does not constitute advice given by Tori Ferguson or Honey Barrett.  No responsibility can or will be accepted for loss occasioned to any person or entity as a result of action taken or refrained from in consequence of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before acting on any information contained herein, from your own accountant, or by contacting Tori at victoria.ferguson@honeybarrett.co.uk for a free initial consultation.

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