
Time to define and refine OOH skills for GPs

16th October 2009 by NASGP

We’ve absolutely no idea what the stats are on this, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that a significant number of GPs working Out of Hours are Freelance GPs. Exactly how many isn’t the issue (but it would help to know), it’s the quality of care they’re able to provide within the context of the support thay’re able to receive to practice as GPs in as risk-free way as possible.

To help us understand more about this, the NASGP has set up a working group of 3 Out of Hours Freelance GPs to construct a ‘core competencies’ document to first deconstruct, then define, the skills required to work as an OOH GP. On the basis of this we then hope to be able to look at any necesssary training and development needs for OOH GPs.

And we’d love your help! We’re looking for any OOH GPs to help us with this so if you’re interested then please leave your comments on this Blog, or email us at info@nasgp.org.uk, and we’ll get back to you.

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"I am so glad and grateful for being a member of NASGP's BOB Locum Chambers. I started with them in a critical period of my career as I was a newly-qualified GP, looking for work in a new area. NASGP chair Dr Richard Fieldhouse and Membership Support Manager Ali Lewis's help was a godsend. They introduced me to locum work in a friendly and kind manner, provided valuable support and excellent service through the ever-improving LocumDeck and NASGP website. NASGP also helped me funnelling down all the job offers I received through my locum work until I recently agreed for a salaried position in a GP practice that I love working at. "

Dr Nazar Ahmed, GP, Oxford

Dr Nazar Ahmed, GP, Oxford

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