
How to share test results sensitively – medicolegal advice for GP locums

6th July 2015 by Rachel Birch

How to share test results sensitively – medicolegal advice for GP locums

MPS analysed data from 107 Clinical Risk Self Assessments (CRSAs) undertaken in practices in 2014. Risk associated with test results was found in 72% of practices, which was the sixth riskiest category, after confidentiality, prescribing, communication, health and safety and medical records.

Locum GPs may be particularly concerned that they organise blood tests and x-rays for patients, and then leave the practice.

  • How can they be sure that the patient went for the test?
  • How can they know that the results came back to the practice and were seen?
  • Was appropriate treatment offered or referral made on the basis of the results?

Locum GPs may wonder what happened to the patient and whether their differential diagnosis was correct and understandably, this can play on their minds.

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