
Spinal metastases in general practice (Nice, Sept 2023)

22nd September 2023 by Dr Louise Hudman

Spinal metastases in general practice (Nice, Sept 2023)

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This is a new guideline from Nice on the investigation and management of spinal metastases and metastatic spinal cord compression. It was published in Sept 2023.

I am summarising the bits of the guideline that are more relevant to us.

What is new in this guideline?

The only thing that really stood out for me as being outside current normal practice was that we should immobilise patients if we suspect metastatic spinal cord compression and if there are also a suggestion of spinal instability. More details on this in the summary.

When should we think about the possibility of spinal metastases and metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC)?

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