These are two guidelines, but both on the topic of pre-operative testing, so they fit nicely together. I am just pulling out the points useful for us GPs.
Pre-operative tests
This is a new guideline from NICE on what tests are required pre-operatively. Most of it is obviously for secondary care, but there are a couple of useful points for us.
- HbA1c – diabetic patients should have their latest value added into their referral letter. They need a result within 3m of surgery.
- Minor Surgery – this includes removal of skin lesions under local anaesthetic. In patients who are ASA 3 or 4 (see the link below), consider doing U+E if they are at risk of Acute Kidney Injury, and an ECG if one hasn’t been done in the last 12 months. There is a useful linked document which summarises what tests should be done and when, which may be useful to look at if you do any procedures in surgery.
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