Are you procrastinating about anything? The chances are that you are. We all do it. I have a small pile of rotting vegetables near my back door that needs to go onto the compost heap, yet I put off doing it (psychoanalyse that one if you dare!) and I am not entirely sure why.
This particular procrastination doesn’t have any immediately severe consequences (mild odour when open back door, possibility of attracting rats or other animals, perhaps). However, when procrastination is applied to some areas of life, there can be major consequences.
I recently met a doctor who had never enjoyed medicine, from joining as a medical student to a recent resignation from GP registrar training. This represents over ten years of:
- Not feeling on the right track,
- Not feeling on the right track.
- Not having a sense of working towards something that was inspiring.
- Feeling as if the career was a complete treadmill and/or a ball and chain.
- Trying to do as little as possible and scraping by.