
MSF using 360 Clinical may be a useful tool for some locums

19th June 2009 by NASGP

NASGP member Jenny Wilson works as a  regular locum GP in a few practices has just performed some Multisource Feedback from 360° Clinical and has ofeered to share her experience with fellow members:

I decided to try this pilot to see how feasible it would be for a GP locum to do. There were frustrations initially as I could not get it to accept NHS email addresses but that was sorted centrally, I presume they loaded them manually. I found in one practice where I work arranging the patient feedback was easy. I suspect that it would have been much more difficult in the other larger practice with a more deprived and ethnically diverse population. That the feedback went to my appraiser was difficult as she did not know that I was doing this and it is still 5 months until my appraisal. She sent me the paper copy which I felt that I am quite capable of coping with myself.

As to the results, from the patients I admit that I had flicked through them before sending them off. This could have led to me extracting poor ones but as there were not any I didn’t worry. The only score which disappointed me slightly was that patients seem to perceive I do not ask their permission to examine them adequately. I need to think about how I address this. I also wonder why comments were not asked for when they are from colleagues.

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