
Locuming as a limited company

15th August 2016 by Liz Densley

Locuming as a limited company

I’d like to set out some of the pro’s and con’s so that GPs can make more of an informed decision on this very important matter.

Do not just assume that using a limited company will save lots of tax!

In many circumstances it can, in others it can be extremely costly.

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More advice for starting out with GP locum accounts

"I was delighted to have been invited to join GP locum chambers. I enjoy great peer support from my colleagues via our monthly meetings, which has been helpful to me discussing some specific things that arise with GP locum working. I have found LocumDeck really straightforward to use and immensely helpful; in particular invoicing and the pension forms A and B has cut down my admin time dramatically, which I’m pleased about. The support from NASGP's membership support manager, is excellent, friendly and knowledgeable. I would recommend NASGP chambers to anyone working or thinking of working as a GP locum."

Dr Chloe Evans, GP, Oxford

Dr Chloe Evans, GP, Oxford

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