
Locum to practice chamber terms

1st January 2015 by Sara Chambers

Practices agree to abide by the workload agreed in each booking description.This includes

Session description

  • Session description may include but is not limited to maximum number of patient contacts, duration of appointments, type of contact and whether home visits or on call duties are included.
  • Any Notes to practice from chamber displayed at the time of making the booking.
  • Home visits will be carried out only if specified in the booking conditions.
  • Supervision of non-GP colleagues will be carried out only if specified in the booking conditions and if a suitable induction and familiarisation with the roles and competencies of the non-GP colleagues under supervision is provided.
  • If practice anticipates a locum may be required to carry out non-NHS work during a session, please contact chamber manager prior to session to see if locum agrees.

Non-contact patient management tasks

  • Chamber locums will perform all necessary administration related to consultations they have performed during a booked session.
  • For all other non-contact patient management tasks, adequate time needs to be allocated within contracted hours and this should be agreed at the time of booking. Non-contact patient management tasks include but are not limited to
    • Authorising prescriptions generated by others e.g. repeat prescriptions, signing acute prescriptions generated by non-prescribers.
    • Reviewing and actioning test results.
    • Reviewing and actioning clinic letters.
  • Furthermore, to avoid lapses in patient care, our members can only agree to undertake non-contact patient management tasks if they are further provided with a thorough induction into practice-specific processes relating to these tasks.

Quality improvement measures

The practice agrees to the following quality improvement measures when working with Chamber locums:

  • Ensure adequate induction for the Chamber Locum and access to essential information and adequate equipment and a timely point of contact for queries about practice-specific processes that may arise during an assignment. Ideally induction will be provided through the standardised format of the NASGP’s Standardised Practice Information Portal (Spip).
  • On condition of booking a Locum, provide feedback to the Chamber Manager about any Chamber Locum working at their practice for the purposes of professional development, if requested by the Chamber.
  • To allow the Chamber Locum future access to records of patients seen by them in line with best practice and GMC guidance on implicit consent for the purposes of improving patient care provided by the doctor and improving clinical practice.
  • Our Chamber Locum members must be notified of any feedback from patients or staff about their performance, either direct to the Chamber Locum or to the Chamber Manager.
  • Practices must never transmit any patient identifiable information to the Chamber.
  • In keeping with requirements for appraisal and revalidation, ensure Chamber Locum members are supported in carrying out feedback surveys and audits.
  • Notify the Chamber if there are any active or outstanding disciplinary procedures by the GMC against any regular practice GPs, or if the CQC currently has the practice under any special measures.

Quality assurance processes by the Chamber

Whilst the Chamber carries out reasonable checks of a Chamber Locum’s compliance documentation, good standing and fitness to practice when they join the Chamber, which is monitored throughout membership of the Chamber, the Chamber cannot be held responsible or liable for the accuracy of the documentation provided to it by the Locum, or for the conduct of the Locum engaged by the Practice.

  • The compliance information checked by the Chamber is made available for Practices to view in each Chamber Locum’s profile.
  • The Chamber supports its locums and has a clinical governance framework in place aimed at reducing the risk of professional isolation, and reinforcing our members’ fitness to practice and fitness for purpose. However, we are not able to guarantee that a Practice will never experience any professional performance issues.
  • As with any doctor, performance and conduct which significantly deviates from acceptable limits or significantly breaches the duties of a doctor as set out in GMC Good Medical Practice or presents a risk to patient safety is a matter of personal responsibility for that doctor and must be dealt with using the appropriate pathways for reporting concerns to regulatory bodies.

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