
Five tips for starting out as a GP locum

23rd December 2021 by Dr Charles Elliott

Five tips for starting out as a GP locum

You may have worked as a trainee in a practice that you feel comfortable in; maybe you are a good fit in that team and feel you would benefit from having the support from a practice that you already know – that’s fine. If the environment is one you can feel comfortable and thrive in then it’s a great place to start. You could start your career working as a salaried GP or perhaps a fixed term locum covering maternity, or even by offering additional sessions which CCGs provide ‘winter’ funding for during periods of high demand – lots of these right now!

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Alternatively, you might have a group of practices that you know others in, or that are local to a hospital with referral pathways and community services that you are familiar with – this is also a good way to start after VTS.

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"Thank you for the service you have provided while I have been a member over the last few years. I have found the website and sessional magazine very helpful during my time as a locum."

Dr Rachael Scott, GP

Dr Rachael Scott, GP

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