Most of this is aimed a specialists, though some of it is useful to know:
- If GFR ≥ 60, anaemia is unlikely to be due to CKD.
- In adults you would want to investigate anaemia due to CKD further when their Hb < 11, or if they have symptoms of anaemia.
1st April 2011 by Louise Hudman
Most of this is aimed a specialists, though some of it is useful to know:
"I have found LocumDeck to be the most helpful and invaluable resource for keeping bookings and accounts. I want to thank you for the wonderful service you provide. Many thanks once again for all the NASGP provides, and particularly for use of the excellent resource LocumDeck has proved to be – something I have recommended to many colleagues who have taken a step to locum work."
Dr Ruth Snowball, GP, Birmingham