
Podcast: GP locuming in New Zealand with Dr Jennie Ferrie
In this episode, Dr Ferrie shares her journey from the UK to New Zealand, detailing the nuances of GP locum work in rural areas, the challenges of adapting to a different healthcare system, and the lifestyle benefits of living in New Zealand.
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Podcast | October 2019 magazine out now
Alacoque describes a legal case where a locum's tax status was different to their legal status, Rachel's being a Good Samaritan, Judith's been looking at therapeutic spaces, Louise has summarised the Nice hypertension guidelines for us, plus much more.
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Podcast | The Sessional GP magazine August 2019
In our 108th edition, Judith makes a noise about being quiet, Liz summarises everything a newly qualified GP needs to know about getting their tax in order, Nigel helps us plan for when our offspring go off to university, Louise has been making sense of LFTs and Rachel has something to teach us about learning.
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Podcast | June 2019 ‘The Sessional GP’ magazine
NASGP chairman Richard Fieldhouse reviews the latest edition of The Sessional GP magazine. In our 107th edition, Louise has not one but two COPD-related e-learning articles; Judith has been washing her hands, Liz has been answering your tax questions, Rachel has some advice about medical hierarchy, and Kate has been making stress her friend, all with some more beautiful paintings by Claire.
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Podcast | The Sessional GP magazine April 2019
In our 106th edition, Liz takes us through five taxing days, Nigel has some top tips for locums on getting a mortgage, Louise reviews the latest SIGN guidance on alcohol in pregnancy, Sara highlights the roles of locums in quality improvement, Rachel looks at the risks around burnout, Kate on mental health safety, Judith rounds off with singing in the brain, all interspersed with some beautiful paintings by Claire.
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Podcast | The Sessional GP magazine February 2019
In this 105th edition, Sara concludes her article on a fresh pair of eyes; Judith would rather we didn't eat each other; Rachel has some news on medical indemnity; Liz answers your Type-2 queries; Eva and Nicky have both explored specialties outside of primary care that have enhanced their enjoyment of general practice; Kate wants us to get physical, and Louise has summarised Nice's latest on ureteric and renal stones.
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Podcast | Getting under your skin; a visit to Body Worlds and the art of plastination
How do you react to seeing a man standing, flayed of his skin, his internal organs on view, his muscles brick red, his blue eyes staring out at you? Or what about the trio posed round a table playing poker?
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Podcast | The Best practice conference and eating disorders
It's been a busy week at the NASGP, having published our magazine last week, attended the Best Practice conference in Birmingham earlier in the week, and meeting lots of NASGP members and new GP locums and practice managers. And also, Louise Hudman has published a great review of the Nice eating disorders guidelines.
Read moreRead GP financial advice on setting up a self assessment tax account for sessional GP work, starting out as a GP locum, how IR35 affects your GP locum, whether to join, stay or leave the NHS Pension Scheme, and what allowable expenses GP locums should record in their annual tax return.