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Some 9,765 GPs, registrars and retired GPs have signed a new open letter from the RCGP.

NHS England has now written to integrated care boards to request for them to plan to cope with GP ‘collective action’ from Thursday.

Streeting added that improving continuity was another priority for the new Government.

More than half a million UK taxpayers – nearly a quarter more than last year – are now paying 60% tax due to frozen thresholds.

Other commitments include: training ‘thousands’ more GPs, a ‘guarantee’ for face-to-face and incentivising a named-GP-style scheme.

GPs can ask questions and get advice from specialist medical accountant Tori Ferguson at NASGP’s free webinar in September.

Members also vote over whether GPs could withdraw fees.

Dr Elphinstone will deliver a webinar on the subject of menopause and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in general practice.

Yet six in 10 GPs found it ‘moderately difficult’ or ‘very difficult’ to find an appropriate vacancy to apply for in the past year.

The College has also advised GPs to triage every patient a PA sees.

Supervision of PAs must be ‘expressly and mutually agreed’, the sessional GP subcommittee wrote.

Dr Jane Lees-Millais warned the PM that the NHS is ‘disintegrating’.

Dr Eloise Elphinstone will deliver NASGP’s webinar on Thursday 4 July at 1pm.

GPs working in NASGP’s seven regional ICB partnerships have worked 15% more sessions year on year, according to original LocumDeck data.

Dr Varun Anand, former Chair of the RCGP Nutrition and Lifestyle Special Interest Group, will deliver our monthly clinical webinar.

BMA members can add contracted hours and sessions, log workload and create reports to push back on admin and clinical overload ahead of industrial action.

The June ballot will decide whether or not GPs take action against the contract imposition from Thursday 1 August 2024.

Dr Varun Anand will deliver a talk on obesity, including its impact on risk of liver disease, for NASGP members at next month’s clinical webinar.

General practice lost 2,900 partners as GP workforce shrank during five-year contract.

Second day of conference opens with a motion that “condemns the use of PAs in GP for anything other than administrative or simple procedural duties”.

Salaried GPs earning higher sums through PAYE will no longer need to file a self-assessment tax return for 2023/24, providing they have no other income.

GPs will face ‘more flexible staffing models’ at ICBs according to a newly-launched pilot across seven areas, a new letter from NHSE announced.

The practice was running 20 sessions a week above budget, according to minutes from a meeting in December.

Londonwide LMCs will host the GPC England roadshow in June, the first date announced since GPs voted overwhelmingly against the GP contract imposition.