The ten-week rule to return Locum Form B will come back into force on 1 October 2022, NHS BSA has announced.
NASGP has previously reported its suspension during Covid-19. One common question for new members is whether there is a deadline to get my Locum A and B forms and payment to PCSE.
GPs submit a month’s Form B based on income received during that month, not on work performed. This form then calculates exactly how much you need to pay for that month’s pension contribution, and it works on a calendar month basis.
GPs must also submit Form B by the seventh day of the following month (i.e. submit Form B for January by 7 February). This ‘ten-week rule’ resumes on 1 October.
Form B also now requires an ODS code, which is fully-automated on LocumDeck.
Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, says: “We’d initially asked for this suspension at the beginning of the pandemic because of the financial and logistical difficulties locums were having paying on time, and it has been one less stressor to deal with.
“Now that the deadline’s returning, it won’t do any harm to get back into the habit of chasing practices if they’re still paying late. Of course, for Chambers members, this is something we already do.”
New pension forms are available on LocumDeck now.