
Free membership scheme launches in Devon, Oxfordshire and Berkshire

26th February 2021 by NASGP

Free membership scheme launches in Devon, Oxfordshire and Berkshire

GP locums working in Devon and Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire will be able to access free NAGSP membership worth up to £31/month and make free Instant Book bookings worth up to £15/session this spring and summer. 

New NASGP partnerships in the South and South-West have accessed funding to support GP recruitment and retention, making it easier for both GP locums and GP practices to book work using the NASGP’s system. The offers also cover chambers fees.

In Devon, the NASGP is offering free membership until 31 July, including use of our booking system, for all GP locums who work in Devon. 

In Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, the NASGP is offering free membership until 31 October. 

GPs who want to take up the offer can be resident anywhere, as long as they book work with participating practices in the county. 

Dr Richard Fieldhouse, chair of the NASGP, writes: “GP workforce planning traditionally focuses on salaried GPs and partnerships, with very little attention paid to the importance of also maintaining a flexible GP locum workforce to support practices. 

“At a time when overall GP numbers are known to be some 5,000 short across the UK, it is refreshing to work with NHS organisations who  value GP locums as a vital part of the workforce. 

“By enabling local GPs and practices to have unfettered access to NASGP resources, we provide the simplest way for practices to link in with local locums, as well as creating greater access to salaried and partnership opportunities.”

Access this offer in Devon, Berkshire, Oxfordshire or Buckinghamshire, or contact your PCO to ask for a scheme in your area 

"NASGP is very helpful to allow a safe and supportive way to work as a GP locum. NASGP Locum Chambers, particularly, is very useful. "

Dr Nabeel Virani, GP, Buckinghamshire

See the full list of features within our NASGP membership plans
