
Exclusive – new unique identifying reference number now compulsory on all England & Wales locum pension forms

18th May 2017 by NASGP

Exclusive – new unique identifying reference number now compulsory on all England & Wales locum pension forms

NHS Pensions (England and Wales) have not* announced that they’ve updated both their Locum A and B forms to each include a new unique identifying reference, that changes every month.

This new unique identifying reference is based on your 8-digit SD number (NHS pension scheme reference number) in the format [SD number]Loc[Month (3-characters)][Year (2-digits)], so changes every month and will look like 13245768LocMay17.

The pension agency have said that any paperwork not marked with this reference will not be processed.

We’ve already updated the automatically generated Locum A and B forms in LocumDeck, so this will all happen completely automatically for you – so long as you have added your SD number, you don’t need to do anything differently.

You can find your SD number on any correspondence sent to you from NHS pensions or on some payslips; it’s an 8 digit figure and starts SD. If you can’t find you SD number, you can call the NHS pensions helpline on 0300 330 1346.

If you’re still generating Locum A and B forms manually, you can download these new versions from our NHS pensions area.

*slight dig. We came across the new forms yesterday in our regular routine review of NASGP content.


"I was delighted to have been invited to join GP locum chambers. I enjoy great peer support from my colleagues via our monthly meetings, which has been helpful to me discussing some specific things that arise with GP locum working. I have found LocumDeck really straightforward to use and immensely helpful; in particular invoicing and the pension forms A and B has cut down my admin time dramatically, which I’m pleased about. The support from NASGP's membership support manager, is excellent, friendly and knowledgeable. I would recommend NASGP chambers to anyone working or thinking of working as a GP locum."

Dr Chloe Evans, GP, Oxford

Dr Chloe Evans, GP, Oxford

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