
GP Type 2 deadline extended

25th February 2022 by NASGP

GP Type 2 deadline extended

PCSE has agreed with NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) to extend the deadline for GPs’ Type 1 and 2 certificates, the body confirmed yesterday.

Monday 7 March is the new deadline for annual certificates. Failure to submit by 7 March means that late certificates will not be covered by the August Annual Benefits Statement (ABS) release.
As a rule of thumb, any GP who is not a GP partner, or not solely working as a GP locum, will probably be considered a Type 2 practitioner.

Every Type 2 medical Practitioner in England and Wales is required by law to complete an annual self-assessment form and arrange for any arrears of employee contributions to be sent to the relevant NHS Pension Scheme ‘employer’. Read more.

Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, said: “Imagine my surprise when, after posting a poll on the NASGP Facebook group about what option members would prefer if given the choice of completing a Type 2 certificate or having a colonoscopy, that out of 150 replies, five chose to complete a Type 2 certificate. Such is the enthusiasm for this annual process that feels as if it’s lifted straight out of Kafka, occurring as it does during the year’s darkest days. Extending its deadline by another seven seems just another cruel irony.

“For any pensionable locum work, though, we’ve got your back with LocumDeck’s fully-automated Form As and Bs. Less Kafka, more Mills & Boon.”

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"I am so glad and grateful for being a member of NASGP's BOB Locum Chambers. I started with them in a critical period of my career as I was a newly-qualified GP, looking for work in a new area. NASGP chair Dr Richard Fieldhouse and Membership Support Manager Ali Lewis's help was a godsend. They introduced me to locum work in a friendly and kind manner, provided valuable support and excellent service through the ever-improving LocumDeck and NASGP website. NASGP also helped me funnelling down all the job offers I received through my locum work until I recently agreed for a salaried position in a GP practice that I love working at. "

Dr Nazar Ahmed, GP, Oxford

Dr Nazar Ahmed, GP, Oxford

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