The BMA’s GPC sessional GP subcommittee met for its first session of the 2016-2019, and for the first time in 15 years elected a new chairman, Dr Zoe Norris.
So we’ve been talking to Zoe about her plans and aspirations for the subcommittee.
What are the short- and long-term challenges that lie ahead for the subcommittee?
We are a brand new subcommittee committee; lots of us have never been involved in the BMA or medical politics before. There will be a steep learning curve but we are up for the challenge. This will include making sure we are taken seriously both inside and outside the profession.
In the long term, we want to make sure there is a clear plan for sessional GPs in all future models of care, since we make up an increasing amount of the workforce, yet all too often are overlooked in workforce planning. We don’t even have accurate data for sessional GPs. Oh, and indemnity!
What would you like your chairmanship to measured by; in three years time, what will you like GPs to be saying about your chairmanship?
I’d like to be judged on how I improve communication between sessional GPs and the groups that represent them. I think everyone would admit this needs work, and is the key thing I want to address. If in 3 years time every sessional GP knows who represents them, for what, and how they can have a voice, I will be happy.
You’ll be chairing a subcommittee composed predominantly of employees that resides within a committee that has traditionally been dominated by those that tend to be the employers – does that pose specific challenges, and equally what opportunities does it bring?
I was asked on Facebook this exact question, that with such increase in the sessional workforce, how long before we see a predominantly sessional GPC, with a partners subcommittee? I don’t think we are at that stage yet, but there are still hurdles in terms of recognition that sessional doctors are the equal of other roles. We need to work to all our strengths and make sure we are respected for that.
How do you see the subcommittees future relationship with the NASGP?
Positive I hope. I am an NASGP member and have always been impressed by the support and resources they offer to sessional GPs. I don’t pretend to understand the history between the various groups, but moving forwards I want to hear from NASGP members and see how we can work together.
Zoe and her team at the sessional GP subcommittee are always happy to be contacted about any matters related to representing sessional GPs.
BMA GPC sessional GP subcommittee