
GP locums urged to vote on primary care networks DES to protect GP funding, BMA says

18th January 2021 by NASGP

GP locums urged to vote on primary care networks DES to protect GP funding, BMA says

GPs in England are being urged to use their vote on a new directed enhanced service (DES) about primary care networks (PCN). 

The BMA is holding the vote to see whether GPs feel that the General Practitioners’ Committee should continue negotiations. 

If GPs decide that the Committee should not be involved any further in the service, the BMA warns, GPC England will be unable to continue discussions about it with NHS England.

They warn that NHS England might then transfer the DES requirements and associated funding to non-GP providers or remove some or all of the funding, including the PCN participation payment from practices. 

Even if the DES is not withdrawn, without the influence of the GPC it may be underfunded. 

Vote now, or read more about it on BMA.org.uk and the NASGP’s Facebook forum

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Dr Judith King, GP

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