join our GP trial
Sign up for our FREE three-month membership trial for GPs.
Try for free today.
In our three-month free trial, you’ll get immediate access to:
- LocumDeck, NASGP’s independent locum booking system.
- FAQs on essentials such as SD numbers, safeguarding and Type 2 forms.
- Clinical CPD designed specifically for GP locums.
- Exclusive access to our network of NASGP Locum Chambers.
- Weekly emails on news such as HMRC deadline extensions.
Sign up for free today – it takes two minutes.
What our GP locum members say
"I was delighted to have been invited to join GP locum chambers. I enjoy great peer support from my colleagues via our monthly meetings, which has been helpful to me discussing some specific things that arise with GP locum working. I have found LocumDeck really straightforward to use and immensely helpful; in particular invoicing and the pension forms A and B has cut down my admin time dramatically, which I’m pleased about. The support from NASGP's membership support manager, is excellent, friendly and knowledgeable. I would recommend NASGP chambers to anyone working or thinking of working as a GP locum."
Dr Chloe Evans, GP, Oxford

"I really like LocumDeck. Before, I was doing everything myself. It was a nightmare! Keeping a record of who has paid, chasing them – with LocumDeck, all that goes away. All you have to do is just book your sessions and work.
Doing remote sessions through LocumDeck has also been a very nice experience. The practices assign the patients very thoughtfully, considering the limitation of remote consultation, and I have developed a very good working relationships with them."
Dr Vin Ojha, GP, Stoke-on-Trent

"Before I used LocumDeck, some practices used to ignore my terms and conditions and add bookings to their diaries that they hadn't confirmed with me. Now, my terms and conditions get sent out with every communication and I can confirm sessions by email really easily. I love having a paper trail that's easy to follow – no more endless hunts through random emails. "
Dr Paula N, GP
"Joining NASGP's Locum Chambers in Essex after CCT has been a fantastic decision for me. The Chambers structure provides support with my locum work as well as a peer support network with regular meetings.
The Chambers support also extends to support with complaints when these occur. This is an amazing benefit that helps to minimise the professional isolation that can come with being a locum.
The Instant Book feature within LocumDeck makes arranging sessions easy. Whilst getting things set up initially does take a bit of work, this eventually pays off and the return on this initial time investment is impressive. New features are always being added based on feedback from members. "
Dr Shanil Shivji, GP, Essex