
‘Salaried GP’ vacancy appears at practice that made GPs redundant

26th April 2024 by NASGP

‘Salaried GP’ vacancy appears at practice that made GPs redundant

A Surrey practice that made three GPs redundant has now advertised a salaried GP vacancy, Pulse reports.

In January the news broke that salaried GPs’ roles were at risk at a medical centre in Surrey. Pulse also revealed that partners at the Glenlyn Medical Centre took no drawings during the last year. The practice was running 20 sessions a week above budget, according to minutes from a meeting in December.

The surgery’s GP partner told Pulse that the new advert is to replace one of the salaried GPs who recently left, and is unrelated to the redundancies.

“It’s not connected to previous changes we made to our practice team and reflects our commitment to making sure our patients have access to a GP, when they need it,” he said.

Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, said: “From whatever angle we look at the stories that have been coming out of this currently beleaguered practice these last six months, it’s clear that chronic underfunding is at the root of many if not all these problems.

“And when struggling to manage any fast-paced, high-risk environment business like a GP practice, the Trojan horse gift of inflexible, prescriptive ARRS funding can turn an already complicated situation into a tragedy for some employees that even the ancient Greeks would have struggled to come up with.

“With more salaried GPs having left since the original redundancies, this is a practice that needs our sympathy and support to ensure it can continue to serve its patient population in the best possible way, and all its staff hopeful that its ongoing struggles will soon be at an end.”

"The info on the website really helped when I started sessional work in April. I'll recommend you to all my appraisees starting locum/sessional GP life as I think you're an invaluable resource for sessional GPs. "

Dr Helen Rutherford, GP

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