
‘Empty promise’ on salaried GP pay leads BMA leaders to quit DDRB negotiations

20th August 2021 by NASGP

‘Empty promise’ on salaried GP pay leads BMA leaders to quit DDRB negotiations

The BMA will stop negotiating GPs’ pay with the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body (DDRB), doctors at the BMA told Pulse last week.

The news comes after the BMA criticised the ‘empty promise’ of the Government’s 3% pay rise announcement for salaried GPs’ pay in 2021/22.

Despite the public announcement, the Government has failed to provide the funding to practices that would enable the pay rise.

The BMA’s ‘Fairness for the Frontline’ campaign even called on doctors and members of the public to ask their local MP to address the issue earlier this year.

Dr Richard Fieldhouse, chair of NASGP, said: “The BMA is absolutely right in taking a strong stand on this issue of salaried GP pay. When governments fail to follow through on promises, people loose confidence; they cannot promise a pay rise and then not fund it.

“Any GP taking up a salaried post needs to have confidence that promises are kept, otherwise our GP workforce, currently reported by Pulse this week having one in seven salaried GP posts unfilled, is simply going to shrink even further.

“As the UK’s membership organisation for sessional GPs, NASGP fully supports the fight for salaried GPs to be remunerated fairly. Resources like our salaried GP checklist help GPs applying for roles negotiate for the salary they deserve, and demonstrate our commitment to improving recruitment and retention across the UK.”

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