GP locums in NASGP’s Locum Chambers will now be notified if a practice marks a payment as sent.
If the payment becomes overdue and the locum has not yet marked the payment as received, NASGP will send the GP a notification.
NASGP Locum Chambers is a complete model for running and developing a freelance business as a GP, designed for locums who don’t want to go it alone.
Each NASGP Locum Chambers is a local team of up to 15 GP locums who meet up regularly. The group shares a dedicated manager and clinical director while retaining independence.
For GPs without a local NASGP Locum Chambers, the NASGP also runs a remote UK-wide Chambers once a month.
Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, says: “Our full-time in-house LocumDeck development team is continually rolling out improvements to LocumDeck, based entirely on feedback from locums and practices.
“This latest one will increase our efficiency around chasing late invoice payments from practices for our members.
“The more we do to take the hassle out of locuming, the more time and energy our members have to enjoy the work of general practice.”