
CQC begins rating GP practices in England

17th November 2014 by NASGP

The Care Quality Commission CQC have begun announcing ratings for practices, and the first two have come in as ‘outstanding’, with the remaining 8,000 GP practices in England being assessed over the next two years. The two practices given this award came across pretty well:

  • All patients who require an appointment with a GP are seen on the day their request is made.
  • …the practice has late night and weekend opening…
  • Weekly meetings away from the workplace take place…
  • …staff receive weekly email correspondence … informing them of relevant information.
  • Appointment length is need-specific…
  • …a strong learning culture within all staff, with quality and safety being their top priority.
  • Staff respond to change and are encouraged to bring suggestions for improvement.
  • …excellent examples of close working partnerships with other health and social care professionals…
  • Significant events are recorded and shared with multi-professional agencies.
  • …lessons are learned and systems changed so that patient care improves.

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As a salaried GP, what’s been your involvement in CQC inspections? And as a locum GP working in many practices, how does the list above compare to your experience?

"I have already managed to get some locum sessions via LocumDeck and I have now been generating invoices with ease by using the online system. It has been amazing! It is great to have all your paperwork in one place and this makes life easier for the practices as well as for yourself."

Dr Gisha Mathew, GP

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