
SystmOne practices switch on records access

2nd February 2023 by NASGP

SystmOne practices switch on records access

SystmOne GP practices have switched on patient records access, Pulse reports.

Patients at SystmOne practices will have automatic access to records via the NHS App from Wednesday 1 February 2023 unless practices have opted out.

Last December GPs were given a reprieve when the access rollout was stopped. Access had been due to be switched on by the end of the month despite delays and warnings by the BMA and RCGP, but was withdrawn at the last minute.

MPS has provided advice to NASGP for GP locums, answering questions including:

  • What is ‘citizen access’?
  • What are the potential risks of increased access?
  • What do sessional GPs need to do about enhanced access and citizen access?

Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, said: “Just as our HMRC self-assessment deadlines come to an end, we’re given a fresh set of circumstances to tax us.

“As GP locums, we’re all familiar with the high degree of expertise needed to navigate the rich tapestry of unfamiliar practice environments, and this partial, phased rollout won’t make things any easier.

“Although most practices have not enabled citizen access yet, ultimately when they do patients’ notes and documents from December 2021 – when this programme first rolled out – will likely be visible to patients you’ve seen in the future. Caution is therefore advised for all notes and referrals we make.”

Read MPS’s advice to NASGP for GP locums.

"Before I used LocumDeck, some practices used to ignore my terms and conditions and add bookings to their diaries that they hadn't confirmed with me. Now, my terms and conditions get sent out with every communication and I can confirm sessions by email really easily. I love having a paper trail that's easy to follow – no more endless hunts through random emails. "

Dr Paula N, GP

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