GPs must declare earnings over £156,000 within the next six weeks, Pulse reports.
The day after many GPs celebrated the changes in the Spring Budget, NHS England published ‘pay transparency’ guidance for GPs.
Thresholds at which GPs have to declare are £156,000 for 2021/22, £159,000 for 2022/23 and £163,000 for 2023/24.
In November 2021 NASGP reported on the BMA’s intervention in NHSE’s efforts to force salaried GPs earning over £150,000 to publish earnings.
Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, responded: “I struggle to not feel pity for whichever bureaucrat came up with this bonkers idea. To earn this sort of income, any GP would be having to work flat out, full time, seeing thousands upon thousands of patients in a single year.
“So how do we reward GPs for this level of service at a time when we’re asking GPs to work harder than ever before? Mandating doctors to undertake an extra chore, that’s intrusive and invades their privacy, to declare their earnings to friends, family and patients.
“Not only is this an unnecessary addition to workload that will not in any way improve patient care, it will also make many doctors think twice about taking on extra clinical workload.
“On the one hand, the Government has removed the lifetime allowance to keep hard-working doctors in the profession, but on the other hand, thinks it’s a good idea to humiliate them. Brilliant.”