
GP locums invited to join NHS-NASGP remote work pilot

3rd December 2021 by NASGP

GP locums invited to join NHS-NASGP remote work pilot

NASGP members are developing a remote work solution for the NHS in partnership with Devon CGG.

GP locums are working in practices across the county in a pilot scheme hoped to create a nationwide solution for patient access. Practices book locums for remote work via NASGP’s platform, LocumDeck.

The additional information that a GP locum needs to add to LocumDeck are:

  • A data security awareness certificate (eg eLfH Data Security Awareness Level 1).
  • A signed copy of the Remote Digital Locum pilot T&Cs.
  • A DBS check.
  • A copy of UK passport, UK driving licence or NHS smartcard to perform an identity check.

GP locums have the option to book with both Emis and SystmOne practices, will be given direct access to patient records, and will consult using eConsult.

The pilot includes a governance and assurance framework around it modelled on NASGP’s Locum Chambers which includes regular Zoom meetings to share feedback and best practice. There is also a dedicated local helpline for urgent queries.

Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, said: “We have been delighted by the response so far, with the locums in the pilot between them having already worked 50 sessions as remote work.

Up to 2,000 sessions will be available between now and the end of March 2022, so there are plenty of opportunities for other locums across the UK to join, and also be part of the peer support structure that we are building around this.

“GP locums are supporting and getting to know each other, and building a collective knowledge of the practices in Devon, albeit as remote work. In the new year, we very much want to offer all our practices and members the opportunity to use this service locally using the remote work service for whenever they are unable to perform sessions at the actual practice.”

Members can sign up online right away. Expired members can renew their membership by emailing info@nasgp.org.uk or by logging in to LocumDeck


"I have already managed to get some locum sessions via LocumDeck and I have now been generating invoices with ease by using the online system. It has been amazing! It is great to have all your paperwork in one place and this makes life easier for the practices as well as for yourself."

Dr Gisha Mathew, GP

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