
LocumDeck: ‘Busiest day ever’ on Instant Book last month

3rd November 2023 by NASGP

LocumDeck: ‘Busiest day ever’ on Instant Book last month

Practices made the highest ever total of daily bookings using LocumDeck’s Instant Book feature, NASGP can report.

On Saturday 21 October, NASGP saw the highest number of Instant Booked sessions in a single day.

Bookings for the month of October were up 10% compared with the previous month, and up 25% year on year.

October’s return to form is a sign that pre-Covid seasonal trends for GP locums (a quiet September followed by a busy October) have returned.

LocumDeck’s Instant Book feature helps GPs get booked instantly after adding their own dates, rates and terms to the platform. When a GP sets up ‘Instant Book’ in LocumDeck, they authorise which practices are allowed to see their real-time availability. The GP can specify in detail the type of work they are prepared to carry out at each practice, and the timings and rates of the sessions they offer; authorised practices only see the sessions that the GP offers them. Once a practice books an offered session, GPs receive notifications by text and email.

Analysis of rates for locums using Instant Book shows most GPs using this feature charge 10% more compared with manual bookings.

Dr Richard Fieldhouse, chair of NASGP, said: “What’s so exciting for GP locums is that it’s clear that the popularity of Instant Book stems from its ability to level the playing field for GP locums. This feature aligns us with professional service providers in other sectors, empowering us to determine our own rates and terms, much like accountants and lawyers, where we have control over our professional responsibilities, rather than having to fit with ways of working where we have less control.

“This not only allows us to take control and responsibility for our clinical practice, without external impositions, but also ensures we are remunerated in a way that means we can continue to support practices long term.

“Furthermore, the convenience offered by Instant Book to practices is undeniable, granting them unparalleled access to professionals and facilitating bookings – even over the weekend! It’s a win-win for practices and GP locums.”

Professor Tony Avery and Drs Katy Miller and Heidi Mounsey of MPS will lead sessions as part of Guidelines 2023’s first ever NASGP stream. A pass for both days (21-22 Nov) is available at £29 (70% off) to NASGP members. Login for the discount link.

"I have been very happy doing part-time locum work since retiring from partnership and this has definitely been helped by NASGP's LocumDeck, through which I have arranged all my work so far. "

Dr Brian Smith, GP , Gloucestershire

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