FAQ: What is Spip?

As of July 2024, NASGP’s Spip resource has been archived. In the event that we update and restore Spip, we will update the website with new information.

Spip was NASGP’s Standardised Practice Induction Portal: a secure online platform that enabled a practice team to centrally store and safely display essential information to enable any clinician working in any of its premises to manage patients quickly, effectively and efficiently. It was not linked to your clinical IT system (EMIS, SystmOne etc) and did not contain any patient-identifiable information, so could be shared with any locums visiting your practice and can be accessed from home and on home visits.

"Your platform is such a pleasure to use – so easy and clear to navigate. I am already excited as having published shifts today three hours ago and already had four GPs requesting to fill them. I can see all their qualifications and any questions they have.

I have worked in workforce and temporary staffing roles for ages and had numerous interactions with agencies. LocumDeck is so much better than any other booking systems I have used before."

Abbe Robertson, Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

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