FAQ: What is a Spip ‘Internal department, service or policy’?

As of July 2024, NASGP’s Spip resource has been archived. In the event that we update and restore Spip, we will update the website with new information.

Internal department, service or policy is one of the four different types of Cudos item.

  • is always part of an Organisation e.g. diabetic clinic within a GP surgery, ENT unit within a hospital or community podiatry service as part of a community trust.
  • shares a postal address with their parent Organisation.
  • can also be a pathway of policy within an Organisation e.g. complaints procedure or a care pathway.

"I was introduced to the local locum chambers several months ago when I made a career move from partnership. I now combine salaried and locum roles. The chambers provides helpful support, leadership, advice and governance and reduces professional isolation. This combination of support reassures me and helps me provide safe and consistent care to patients within the community . There is a useful, innovative online portal - LocumDeck - which helps me access local work and which has efficient systems for reconciliation of finance including pensions. I would highly recommend joining a locum chambers for any GPs starting out in the locum world ."

Dr Adrian Richardson, GP

Dr Adrian Richardson, GP

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