FAQ: Is the Oliver McGowan training mandatory for GPs?
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is a standardised NHS training introduced under the 2022 Health and Care Act. It is named after Oliver McGowan, a man who had mild learning disability and autism whose death at 18 was ruled avoidable by an independent review.
GP learning disability training
There are no adult safeguarding standards for GPs under the Health and Social Care Act and the CQC does not have a list of mandatory training for members of the GP practice team.
However, contractors must ensure that staff are adequately trained in several topics including safeguarding adults and children.
GP locums may therefore benefit from meeting high standards for training including e.g. the Oliver McGowan training.
The BMA recommends that practices should ensure that they are not putting sessional GPs under pressure to duplicate training. For example if the GP can demonstrate that the content of the Oliver McGowan training has already been covered by past courses, then practices are recommended to accept that.
However, contractors must ensure that all staff, including locums, are adequately trained, so GP locums may benefit from meeting high standards for training including e.g. the Oliver McGowan training.
See also our FAQ on adult safeguarding.
You can also access the RCGP’s guide for autistic people, ‘Making the most of a visit to your GP’, here.
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Nick Regaard, Practice Manager, The Abingdon Surgery, Abingdon, Oxfordshire