FAQ: Can GP locums get sick pay?
In a way, yes. There are some simple and affordable steps a GP locum can take to reduce the risk of losing out financially due to illness or injury.
Your ability to receive income whilst off work through ill health whilst working as a GP locum very much depends on your employment status i.e. whether you’re an employee, self-employed or ‘worker’.
Remember that your legal employment status is something that is not necessarily determined by you, and is different to your tax employment status and your NHS pension employment status.
I’m self-employed
If you’re locuming in different practices under your own Terms and Conditions, managing your own bookings and determining the way within which you work (either manually or through platforms like LocumDeck) then your employment status is likely to be self-employed status. In which case, you don’t qualify for SSP in that role.
If you already have a locum insurance policy, this could cover you for up to £3,000 a week or 75% of your earnings for a year if you’re ill or injured and can’t work. (NASGP offers discounts for Practice Cover insurance as part of our membership benefits).
I work for an agency
If you’re working through the agency as their employee and fulfil certain criteria, including having been ill for at least 4 days in a row, you will qualify for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for up to 28 weeks.
You may in fact be entitled to more if the agency has a sick pay or ‘occupational’ scheme, but check your contract to see if that applies.
Remember that even if a company has taken you on as self-employed, there may be factors within the way you work that may point to your employment status being otherwise.
If you’re classified as a ‘Worker‘ because of the way you work for your agency, you may still be entitled to SSP.
I work for an online GP locum platform
If when working for an online platform, engaging with practices under the platform’s T&Cs and not your own, make sure you understand your employment status and entitlements, and be prepared to question your employment status if you’re not entirely satisfied with what you’re being told.
Insurance and illness cover
"I am a newly qualified sessional GP. I am thankful to you and your team for the splendid work you do for all of us. LocumDeck is the only platform that allows GPs to be in control and I am glad I have been a member of NASGP since my trainee days."
Dr Karthik Krishna, GP