
GP locums sought for 2024 prescribing survey

12th January 2024 by NASGP

GP locums sought for 2024 prescribing survey

Professor Tony Avery is looking for GP locums to participate in a national survey aimed at improving GP prescribing.

Professor Tony Avery, OBE, is the National Clinical Director for Prescribing. He is also a GP in Nottingham, and Professor of Primary Health Care at the University of Nottingham. He spoke on prescribing challenges for sessional GPs as part of NASGP’s stream at Guidelines 2023.

Prof Avery is co-leading research with colleagues from the universities of Nottingham and Manchester to find ways of improving these safety alerts.

Part of this research involves doing a simulation exercise with volunteer GPs in TPP SystmOne. This will be done remotely on Microsoft Teams.

During the exercise, participants will be asked to demonstrate how they would carry out prescribing for fictitious patients. It will be recorded, but all participants will be anonymised and will not be identifiable.

The exercise will take about an hour and there will be a token reimbursement of £50 in Amazon, Blackwells or Love2shop vouchers per participant.

For more details, potential participants can see full details, a participant information sheet, or contact Denham Phipps at The University of Manchester, email Denham.Phipps@manchester.ac.uk.

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Dr Christine Vickery, GP

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