
Brain tumour CPD event scheduled for October

1st September 2022 by NASGP

Brain tumour CPD event scheduled for October

GPs can update their clinical skills around the signs and symptoms of brain tumours in a new free lunchtime webinar in October.

On Thursday 6th October at 1pm optometrist Lorcan Butler will talk about what GPs can look for, followed by a Q&A with questions from attendees. He is also the optical engagement manager for The Brain Tumour Charity and is experienced in delivering talks to GPs.

Lorcan Butler’s role is raising awareness of the charity and promoting an early warning signs and symptoms campaign for the detection of brain tumours. This campaign is to aid GPs, optometrists, AHPs and all other primary and secondary care staff in the early detection of brain tumours. Earlier detection, means earlier referral and a more favourable outcome for all concerned. Lorcan is currently presenting this throughout England in conjunction with Health Education England AHP workforce. This presentation has also been given at numerous health, medical and optical conferences throughout the UK and Ireland.

The event is the latest in a series of NASGP’s lunchtime webinars for GP locums, held on the first Thursday of every month.

On Thursday 1 September Dr Helen Garr, clinical lead at NHS Practitioner Health, presented on signs and symptoms of burnout in GPs, and how GP locums can prevent burnout at work.

Watch the videos of our past speakers included Dr Tony Downs on skin cancer and Dr Tina Peers on menopause.

Join our event on Thursday 6 October

An invitation and reminder will be sent on the day.


"I have been a member of the NASGP for about 18 months and find the support and advice invaluable.

It was especially helpful when I started locum work. I think I must have spent hours on the website devouring every single article as I was keen to learn all I could before I went solo. "

Dr Sally Watkins, GP

Dr Sally Watkins, GP

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