0161 504 8999
Some 19% need locums because they don’t have enough staff, and the majority (40%) use a booking platform like LocumDeck to book GPs.
As of July 2024, NASGP’s Spip resource has been archived. In the event that we update and restore Spip, we will update the website with new information.
Practices don’t pay a booking fee when using LocumDeck, just the locum’s fee.
Gloucestershire GP practices have all signed up to book GP locums through NASGP’s LocumDeck platform.
Unplanned closures can cause the local provision of healthcare to implode, Dr Richard Fieldhouse warned.
The one-size-fits-all model ignores the complexity of working as a GP locum
There are a number of important differences between employees and self-employed contractors
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Amelia House, Crescent Road, Worthing, BN11 1QR 0161 504 8999 info@nasgp.org.uk
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