0161 504 8999
Essential skills training for GP locums and salaried GPs
Dr Varun Anand gives a webinar on adult obesity and weight management in general practice.
Dr Richard Fieldhouse, NASGP chair, will attend Pulse Live events in Leeds, Birmingham and Newcastle this spring and summer.
Dr Julian Treadwell has just launched a new website, GP Evidence (gpevidence.org/), developed to make the scientific evidence underpinning guideline-recommended treatments easier to access and understand for practising GPs.
Dr Waqar Ahmed presented NASGP’s January event, the first in our series of monthly clinical events for 2023.
He will explain how he’s been using tools from comedy and improvisation to make working in general practice easier.
NASGP runs lunchtime clinical talks on the first Thursdays on the month. See our news section to sign up for the latest events.
Solutions like NASGP's Remote Digital Chambers are much-needed for GP job vacancies at rural and remote practices.
What makes a good GP practice for locum work?
Whether you have a nascent interest in teaching or years of NHS experience, now really is a golden time to polish up skills and invigorate your portfolio.
Dr Leila Saeed has been a GP locum and a salaried GP in different parts of the UK and spends three days a week as a clinical educator
It is imperative that triage and consultation are recognised as unique, and different, skills by partners and professional bodies
As a specialist area of GP practice, working as a GP locum requires its own set of skills. The NASGP has developed a curriculum of training to equip GP locums and enable you to work safely and well.
Over 2,000 doctors will have qualified as GPs in the last 12 months, each having spent in the region of two years working in at least one, possibly several, GP surgeries, but including training on how to be a GP locum?
We've produced a document for anyone involved in GP training.
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