0161 504 8999
Advice on how much GP locums earn per session and per day, locum pay, setting and negotiating rates, and using the NASGP calculator. Plus, info on how much UK salaried GPs earn.
Hourly and sessional charges, terms to consider, and BMA advice on rate-setting for GP locums.
Dr Bramall-Stainer told GPs: 'This regrettably falls far below what we realistically need to keep our heads above water.'
GP locums in Devon and Cornwall are working at higher daily rates than London locums, Management in Practice reports.
And 27% of the 442 GP partners surveyed had ‘considered handing [their] contract back’ within the last year.
GP locums have seen an 169% increase in bookings on LocumDeck in the first quarter of 2022, compared to last year.
GP locums in NASGP’s Locum Chambers will now be notified if a practice marks a payment as sent.
GPs would not ‘have to become a locum’ if it were easier for them to work part-time, the former health secretary said.
A relaxation of advice around rates needs more clarity, the NASGP warns.
Average hourly and daily rates remained static, poll of 441 GPs reveals.
Dr Richard Fieldhouse writes: “By enabling local GPs and practices to have unfettered access to NASGP resources, we provide the simplest way for practices to link in with local locums."
Men and women in salaried GP roles still face huge pay gaps, with a woman’s average GP salary nearly £40,000 beneath a man’s.
Like many locums, Dr Smith lost work when Covid-19 hit. But by May, he was back to normal. Find out how he coped – and why he helped practices cancel his sessions
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