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Clinical updates and guidelines for GP locums on respiratory medicine
Join Dr Andrew Whittamore, jobbing GP and clinical lead for Asthma+Lung UK, as he delves into the latest strategies and treatments for managing asthma in general practice.
Join Dr Andrew Whittamore, jobbing GP and clinical lead for Asthma+Lung UK, on ways to manage asthma effectively.
GPs can sign up to NASGP’s asthma webinar with Dr Andy Whittamore until midnight on Wednesday 3 April.
GP Dr Andy Whittamore will deliver advice on ‘Managing asthma in general practice’ for NASGP’s April webinar.
This is a new guideline from NICE on the initial assessment and management of patients over the age of 16 with a suspected lower respiratory tract infection.
Listen to Dr Andy Whittamore of Asthma + Lung UK.
Dr Andy Whittamore of Asthma + Lung UK on the latest updates.
Dr Andy Whittamore of Asthma + Lung UK will present a free NASGP talk on asthma and Feno (Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide) testing in general practice next month.
Learn to tell three key sleep syndromes apart in primary care.
Most of the time, long term macrolide therapy will be initiated in secondary care. However, we may well be the ones writing the prescription, so it is worth being aware of some of the safety concerns
The most useful additional information from this is how long to use antibiotics for (i.e. most patients will need a five day course, but some will need longer).
The most interesting bit for me about this new guideline was that only 50% of COPD exacerbations are thought to be caused by bacterial infections. The rest are caused mainly by viral infections or smoking.
This is an updated guideline from NICE on the diagnosis and management of COPD, published in Dec 18. It's a pretty mammoth guideline, first written in 2004.
This is a new guideline from NICE on when to prescribe antibiotics for coughs. It only covers those with acute coughs and doesn't include COPD patients (they are covered in a separate guideline).
This is a new guideline on bronchial thermoplasty from NICE on bronchial thermoplasty for severe asthma.
This is an update on the asthma guideline from BTS/SIGN (2016).
A very common condition, affecting 25% of infants before the age of 18 months, and one which we will see a lot of over the forthcoming months.
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