Our purpose

Everyone works better when they know they’re not alone.

If you work in general practice, you’ll know that it’s changing.

GP locums are a critical resource in our increasingly flexible workplace and being highly trained, with broad perspectives of General Practice, they have lots to contribute. But it can be a challenging way to work. While GP practices need locums, locums need systems that work for them so they can do their best work.

We’re here to help GP locums succeed in their working days and their working lives, to make their work the best it can be for everyone – for locums, the practices they work with, and most importantly, patients.

A sessional GP

Our vision

Our vision is for every GP locum to progress their career and profession. For GP locums to achieve more.

A sessional GP

Our mission

Our mission is to empower GP locums through a collective voice and effective support at every stage of their journey.

A sessional GP

What makes us different

We’re different because we genuinely understand locums. We were founded by locums for locums and have a holistic view of their needs. We’re on their side.

Our promise


Day-to-day tools that really work for GP locums


A network of GP peer support


A collective voice and better understanding of GP locums

News: the stories that affect you

Memberships to suit all

NASGP membership gives you access to our extensive library of articles, podcasts, locum FAQs and toolkits to help with day to day practice and business management, whatever stage you’re at.

For Locums

Your key to successful GP locuming

Join now

Stock image of a GP locum

For Registrars

Get ready while you are in training

Join now

Stock image of a GP locum

For Practices

Your flexible workforce partner

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Proud to be working in partnership